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Non Linear Learning

Jun 30, 2021

Octavia Walker leads us through the murky world of self- and society- imposed expectations on moms of children with disabilities.

Expect to hear terms like self-care smashed to smithereens (I hope you are as tired of being asked to self-care as I am)... 

Expect to be held accountable and have hard insights .... 


Jun 21, 2021

This short podcast is for parents who want actionable strategies to conquer picky eating disorder. 

Picky eating or self-restricted eating can be a vicious cycle of nutrient deficiency, inflammation, gut issues and more restricted eating. 

Follow this 5 step technique to break this cycle and shift from inflammation to...

Jun 12, 2021

Are you interested in a Resilience Mindset for your child?

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge takes us through the many misunderstandings behind mental health in kids. 

4:00 The Journey to get your kids’ help is unnecessarily complex.

6:15 Resilience in Kids. 

8:20 Resiliency Mindset. 

9:35 There is no magic pill, medication...

Jun 4, 2021

Does your child have constant infections, eczema, rashes, allergies, brain fog, anxiety or behavioral challenges?

Did you know any of these could be caused by Food Sensitivities?

In this podcast we explore the reasons your child might want to consider going Dairy Free and the one primary thing to remember while doing...